AN MLS Exclusive:

Good Call Network

The Good Call Network is a new approach to hiring only offered by MLS. As a physician-owned company, we connect you to the right early-career physicians.

The doctor shortage is real, succession planning is complicated, and recruitment is so competitive that some systems may never fill all openings.

We remove the middleman so you can start having great calls with great candidates. Contact us today!

How it Works

The Good Call Network is an exciting new approach to hiring only offered by MLS.

As a physician-owned company, we connect you to the right provider!

Good Calls with fellows

During the years that they work with us, we get to know our moonlighter fellows.

By having good calls and conversations with them, the best placement options come to light. They get a focused idea of what they want to do for work.

Good Calls with clients

The fellows gain a deeper knowledge of real-world medical work through moonlighting. They know they want to work with you.

We'll send you summaries of great candidates. You can request a full profile and consultation with MLS for any candidates of interest.

We introduce you with a Good Call

The selection, evaluation, and hiring process is entirely yours following the introduction.

A modest fee will then apply to those introductions that lead to employment contracts via your standard hiring practices.

No upfront or setup fees

Get connected with The Good Call network

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